
The Governor's House

Once a campaign issue, now a place for political entertaining..........the Boston Globe has just published an interesting piece on the house we designed for for Governor Deval Patrick and the way he is using the house not only as a family retreat but also as a venue for political events. We like the aerial shots they took over the house: you can see the pool house and pool, with the main house and the carriage house a little beyond.

We are delighted that the house functions well for crowds of politicians and happy with people's reactions to the house. And yet, concerned that the article may have made it seem that the house was really all about politics and not so much about family, we sent a short letter to the editor of the Globe, telling a story from the design of the house that indicated, at least to us, that the Governor really did intend this house to be a place for, first and last, his family to gather..........

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